
One solution for when you’re stuck trying to come up with an idea

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re working on some project, and you're trying so hard to push through and get ‘er done, and you just can't figure out is one last piece to make it done. And you're so pissed at yourself, and you can't figure out what to do.

Well, here are some tips that I have for you, that happened to me.

So the other day, I was trying to write something, and it took me a few hours, like half a day minimum or even almost a day. And it was 90% done, and I just needed one more example, or one more thing to wrap it all up, and put it all together, and I just couldn't figure it out.

I was humming and hawing, and trying this, thinking that, brainstorming this, researching.

And you know that point when you're like, you're just so frustrated, “Why can I frickin’ figure this out! This is so stupid! Do I suck? It's just like one more thing to do, and I'll be done for the day, and I can’t freakin’ get this thing done.”

So you keep pounding your head on it over and over and over again, and it is super frustrating.