
30-Second Tip to Help You Focus from Neuroscience

Another tip for how to help you focus better when you're trying to learn something, this is specifically for, let's say, reading an article or a book or reading something from your screen is... interestingly, your mental focus follows your visual focus.

This is again based on some neuroscience principles.

The technique is that, let's say you've been reading this book, and then you notice...you know when you read words, and then you read like a paragraph, and you have no idea what you just read? But somehow you’ve been reading this whole time? This is when you're gonna use this technique.

What you want to do is start to focus your visual attention first.

Four secrets from neuroscience to help you learn quicker


I’ve been listening to this podcast on neuroscience, and I've learned something super cool, and I didn't know before, about how to learn, and potentially change behavior as an adult.

Okay so backstory is that as a kid, when you're born to the world, you have a bunch of these random neuron connections, and they're kind of all over the place, and there's no clear kind of pattern. That's why babies flail around.

But, as you can learn more and more, certain neural pathways become strengthened, and some of them become weaker. So the ones you pay attention to become stronger and stronger, and ones you don’t become weaker and weaker.

Now as a kid, that kind of happens pretty passively. But as an adult, so 25 and above, in order to help loosen those pathways that’s already there, you have to do certain things to prime your brain to be ready for the learning state.