
How to take more risks like a high performer

I'm here today to share about how you can take more risks.

Might not be the way you normally think of.

This is inspired by two podcasts I was listening to. One is called Finding Mastery with Dr. Michael Gervais. He's a sports psychologist who works with NFL teams and high performance sports people.

He was interviewing Jimmy Chin, who's the director of Free Solo. Not sure if you’ve seen it; it's where Alex Honnold does free solo, climbing with no ropes or harnesses, on El Capitan [in Yosemite]. Took like a few hours, but it's pretty much insane; if you drop, you die!

They were talking about how Alex, who's like a super athlete, even in his peer group of people who climb hardcore, he's an outlier.

And they talked about one of his technique of visualization. This is kinda normal for athletes to do, and some people in high performance fields in other areas would do it, too.

But, for example, what he would do is, he would sit in his van for days, imagining either the moves...so he doesn’t do the move physically; he does it all in his mind.

And the interesting thing I found was that he didn't only do the right moves in his mind; he also imagined what if he stepped wrong, and how he would fix or get himself out of it.