best self

Don’t let your Best Self 😇 become a Christmas Tree 🎄!

I just came out of a Weekly Review session with my Building a Second Brain peeps. And I got some insight, and I was like oh this is a great one to share with everybody on goal setting and your best self related topic.

On Friday mornings I'm rejoining it again to do our Weekly Reviews. There's a system where weekly...daily you’re supposed to review your stuff, weekly you review your stuff, monthly review your stuff, and also planning ahead.

At the end of the session, we reflect on what we've done, if you need some help, some tips and everybody's like, we're productivity nerds who want to help.

Somebody brought up that, we all want to be our best selves and activate our best self at all time, but doesn't always happen; our day-to-day busyness takes over.

So, she used this great analogy. You know, sometimes, our best selves 😇 are like a Christmas tree 🎄; we only bring it out and dust it off once a year!