How to inject 30 seconds of calm into your day by using one of your senses


I'm here to give you some tips on how to feel more grounded and more calm throughout the day. 

So maybe if you're a bit more into these things, you've probably heard about some meditation or mindfulness practices. 

And when you kind of get stressed out or upset or angry, there's a way to feel more grounded by noticing your feet touching the ground, and noticing your hand on a table if you’re working at a desk.

But I feel like what they don't talk about as much are your other senses. 

So this morning, I was walking outside doing my morning get my sun situation (More on why I get sun in the morning here). I was into a podcast so I wasn't paying much attention to what's happening around me as I was listening. 

But then I noticed the air on my face. One of my favourite feelings to feel is actually like a perfect temperature of air on your face like...okay, normally I like 25 degrees because I’m from Thailand, but right now it's maybe like, I'll say 13? 15? It’s actually warmer than it says. It says 11, but I’m like no way this is at least 15 Celsius. 

And it actually felt really good, so I actually stopped my podcast to really indulge in that feeling of the air touching my face, and it just felt really lovely. 

And this is where I feel like we don't focus on our senses enough.

And you can do this throughout the day, right? 

Pick a favourite sense.

Maybe for you it’s actually sound, you know, maybe stop for a moment and actually listen to the birds chirping outside, or maybe even the sound of traffic. Even if it sounds like traffic sound?  Ew! But stopping your brain from stressing out and thinking, just listening to what's around you can really help. 

And obviously if you prefer to play your favourite song, that's better! But actually listen to the listen to the words, the tone, the music, the instrument, pick your favourite instrument in the song, and listen to that. That can also be really helpful.

Or scent. You know, I feel like this one’s not talked about enough. If you have a favourite perfume, perfect scent, smell it! Some people have flowers on their desk and they can smell the flower. If they have a favourite perfume, bring it out.

For me, I drink tea. And part of being a tea sommelier in-training, you sniff the dried leaves, you sniff the leaves when you first brew it, you sniff it afterwards, and you really want to get deep into what is the different aroma in it. It smells nice? That’s not good enough. We wanted to train our skills to figure out ourselves like, fresh leaves of grass being cut, or jackfruit. Anyway, I’m digressing. But the point is to really indulge in that scent, to get deeper. 

What other sense do we have? 

Taste! So if you pound your tea daily, or pound your coffee, maybe take a moment to really sip. Feel the temperature of that drink in your mouth. Feel how it feels in your mouth, and really taste it. Really hone in and sense and savor what does it taste like in your mouth? And then, as you swallow, how does it feel of it as it goes down your throat. 

So, this is just some ideas of different ways throughout the day you're feeling kind of stressed or disconnected, and you want to come back to the present moment, to feel at peace and be slightly less stress, more ease. 

Choose a sense. 

Choose a sense you want to try out and really indulge in it for 30 seconds to a minute. 

Maybe there's a plant on your desk, and you want to just look at it, and really, really look at it. Take in all the leaves, the colour, the differences in the leaves, things like that. 

So try this out if you’re not the kind of person who likes to slow down and really feel or see or look or hear or smell, and see how that helps with your day!

Tell me which sense you want to try out for today below! 👁👂🏻👃🏽👄 ✋🏿