emotional intelligence

How to inject 30 seconds of calm into your day by using one of your senses

How to inject 30 seconds of calm into your day by using one of your senses

I'm here to give you some tips on how to feel more grounded and more calm throughout the day.

So maybe if you're a bit more into these things, you've probably heard about some meditation or mindfulness practices.

And when you kind of get stressed out or upset or angry, there's a way to feel more grounded by noticing your feet touching the ground, and noticing your hand on a table if you’re working at a desk.

But I feel like what they don't talk about as much are your other senses.

How a spiderweb helped me understand how meditation works for emotions

Today I want to share some realization after meditating for awhile and also learning more and more about meditation practices.

So, before I knew about mindfulness and meditation things, I assumed that all these meditation teachers, you know the gurus and stuff, they're like all Zen out, is blissed all the time, don't feel any anger they’re just like super Zen.

And that might not be the case, turns out!

One meditation teacher I started to listen to a bit more is Dr. Tara Brach. She's a Buddhist meditation teacher, and also a clinical psychologist.

She told a story where she was doing her morning walk. And she's all like, “Oh this river is so beautiful, and it’s so serene, the scene was so nice. The weather was perfect. The birds are chirping.” And she’s having this, you know, gorgeous time.

And, suddenly, she walks into a spiderweb. 🕸

You would think this Zen...she's very like this Zen, grandmotherly, motherly, super chill when you listen to her voice, it just makes everything feel nicer. So you think she'd be super calm.

But no!

Basically she walked into this spiderweb, and, I’m pretty sure she swore, but she was super pissed at a stupid web!

So there’s a huge contrast between how Zen she was and how she was explaining how pissed off she was at this spiderweb that kind of ruined her morning, her perfect morning.