inner critic

The Taming of the Inner Shrew 🧟‍♀️ : How to Get Shit Done While Feeling More At Ease Without Your Inner Critical Voice

Have you ever felt that, without your inner nagging, critical voice telling you what a fuck up you are, you would never get anything done?

I have! 🙋🏻‍♀️

Backstory: I started doing these 30-min morning walks first thing in the morning because I learned that getting sun in your eyes before 10am is good for melatonin production for sleep. And as someone who, for a period in her life, struggled a lot with lack of sleep and its negative consequences, I have been determined to make sleep a priority. (If you’re curious, check the first comment below for the link to the video I made about this).

Anywho...the other day, I woke up a bit later than usual and, since I had an important meeting later in the day and needed to prep, instead of just getting up and going straight to do my walk, my internal dialogue of resistance started:

“Alright Pylin...time to go do your 30-min walk.”

“Urg, but I don’t feel like it today; and I am already behind because I woke up late.”

Usually, what shows up next for me would be a self-berating, super critical voice.

“But you have to go. You promised yourself you will do this daily. Stop being so lazy. What’s wrong with you? Just fucking go!”

This would normally go on for a while, until I would finally get so frustrated that I would succumb to this internal beating, and go do what I was “supposed” to do.

But I wouldn’t be happy about it. I would feel pressured, stressed, and annoyed.

🤔 Have you ever heard this internal unpleasant, judgmental, and scolding voice “forcing” you to do something you told yourself you had to do? 📢